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Pre-order the book now!

Book information

Number of pages: 239 for the English story, 470 in total

Cover: paperback

Languages: English, Czech* 

Price: 320 CZK (approximately 12 EUR/10,50 GBP) (+ postage**) - might change with the exchange rate

Tote bag

You can also order a cotton tote bag with a lovely design by the illustrator, Romana, and carry your favourite books in it, for example. :)

Size: 38x42 cm

Price: 80 CZK (approximately 3 EUR/2,50 GBP)

Order information

Payment: advance payment to my account/cash payment (only possible in the Czech Republic)/PayPal

International payments***:

Bank account number - IBAN format: CZ6920100000002800616312 


Bank account number for payments from the Czech Republic: 2800616312/2010



If you choose the payment to my account, don't forget to WRITE YOUR NAME in the payment reference (note for me), otherwise, I can't identify the payer, and leave the message "THE CLOSEST THING" or "THE CLOSEST THING + BAG" and number of pieces so that I know what you're paying for.

Please make the payment by 20th March 2021 at the latest, as I will need to know in advance how many copies to have printed out. Thank you for understanding.

*The book contains two versions, English and Czech. It is not possible to buy just one version.

**Shipping costs depend on the destination, service, package weight, and other considerations. Please contact me for information about the postage BEFORE you send your payment.

I will need to know your address to check the price at the post office.

***Some types of payment also require information about the bank.

Name of institution: Fio banka, a.s.

Street: V Celnici 1028/10

City: Praha 1

Postcode: 117 21

Country: Czech Republic (CZ)

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You can currently order the book Kaelyn's Clouds too. For more information about the book, click here.

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