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Book information

Number of pages: 250

Language: English, Czech* 

Order information

Price: 250 CZK (approximately 10 EUR/9 GBP/12 USD) + postage**

Payment: advance payment to my account/cash payment (only possible in the Czech Republic)

International payments***:

Bank account number - IBAN format: CZ6920100000002800616312 


Bank account number for payments from the Czech Republic: 2800616312/2010


If you choose the payment to my account, don't forget to write your name in the payment reference (note for me) and "KAELYN'S CLOUDS", otherwise, I can't identify the payer and the purpose of the payment!

Please make the payment by 20th March 2021 at the latest, as I will need to know in advance how many copies to have printed out. Thank you for understanding.

*The book contains two versions, the English original and the Czech translation. It is not possible to buy just one version.

**Shipping cost depends on destination, service, package weight, and other considerations. Please contact me for information about the postage BEFORE you send your payment.          I will need to know your address to check the price at the post office.

***Some types of payment also require information about the bank.

Name of institution: Fio banka, a.s.

Street: V Celnici 1028/10

City: Praha 1

Postcode: 117 21

Country: Czech Republic (CZ)

Contact me for more information about the book or details of order options.

You can currently order the book The Closest Thing too. For more information about the book, click here.

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